Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Natural Light Portraits

I took this picture of my friend Rae,when we were taking Natrual Light photos. I set her up so she was facing the sun so the natrual light could light up her face, instead of using a studio light.

This was another natural light photo. I placed her by a tree, facing the sun, so once again, the sun can light up her face. I used depth of field to a point. The background behind her is alittle blurry, while her face and the tree is completely clear.

This picture of Josh was used for natural light also. Depth of Field was used in this photo. Josh's head is clear where the school and the tree's behind him are blurry. By making the background blurry, it makes the background not so distracting and you can focus on the subject more.

This was another natural light photo. We used the natural light to brighten up her face and the colorful background.
This natural light photo has used depth of field. His face is clear and the background behind him is blurry.

The natural light, lightens her face up and the tree she's leaning against.

This was another natural light portrait, it was turned a little bit, but the sun lights her up, so we can take pictures outside instead of in a studio using fake lighting.

I needed Rae to face the sun so she could light up instead of being dark and not being able to see as many features.

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